Possible revisions to proposed district boundaries

City officials have indicated that a revision the the redistricting proposal is possible.
As of this writing, a revised plan has not been seen by One Grove members.

One Grove is eager to receive and study the revision.

A revision demonstrates the truth of One Grove’s claim that
‘Other, better options are possible.’

There is no requirement for Miami to rush through a redistricting plan.

Therefore, if and when One Grove receives any revision or proposal, we will:
-- distribute it to citizens and civic groups, 
-- analyze the proposal and its potential effects,
-- discuss the proposal carefully with stakeholders city-wide and
-- form a balanced recommendation for our elected officials. 

We ask of others the same consideration for ourselves and those less able to speak out.

We anticipate that a revision will be presented at City Hall, 12:00 Friday 2/25.
Commissioner Russell has scheduled a public meeting to discuss the plan for next Monday 2/28 and we look forward to his comments.


  1. Please reconsider this redistricting plan. Coconut Grove needs to remain whole. We have a strong community purpose. South Grove, West Grove, Center Grove, North Grove. We are all GROVITES, and we want our voices heard as a collective. We want ONE commissioner representing our voice. If there are LEGAL reasons for the redistricting, move areas of similar communities in District 3 to District 4, and from District 1 to District 3. Or, move some of the northern neighborhoods of zone 2 to zone 5. There are MANY, MANY other options. PLEASE DON'T BREAK US APART!!!


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