What can you do? One Grove at US-1

What can you do to help Keep Coconut Grove Together?  

Answer: Overwhelm the City Commissioners.

Do these things listed below.  Recruit friends, family and neighbors to do the same.  Add your own creativity and Grove attitude to communicate to all commissioners and city officials your opinions regarding this proposed change.

ü  Sign petition now www.change.org/KeepCoconutGroveTogether  (We recommend against adding your funds to change.org's "Promotion" function.)

ü  Submit your advance comments to the City Commissioners online no later than Wednesday 2/23/22

o   Visit https://cityofmiami.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6iiKUKnHt9ie4Em

o   Select agenda item “SP.1 Discussion Item – Redistricting”

o   Write your own comments for the Commissioners.  Here are some points for your consideration:

§  I strongly oppose change to the district boundary of Coconut Grove. 

§  Keep One Grove at US-1.  Alternative boundaries are possible that maintain the historic integrity of Miami's first community.

§  The currently proposed change:

·         divides the historically unified neighborhoods and civic organizations of Coconut Grove;

·         burdens citizens with triple meetings with multiple Commissioners on neighborhood initiatives and issues;

·         further reduces the historically important racial diversity for which Coconut Grove is widely known;

·         reduces the physical connection between north and south Grove areas to a mere 200-yard wide commercial link; and

·         was hurried and hidden from public view preventing understanding, investigation, and discussion.

ü  Come to in-person commission discussion meeting at City Hall: Noon Friday 2/25/22. Pan American Drive.

ü  Testify your opinion in-person to the Commissioners.

o   You will have exactly three minutes to speak.  Everyone will be heard in turn.

o   Consider the points outlined above (division, burden, diversity, connection, hurried)

ü  Help fund this campaign’s direct costs (posters, legal advice, etc.)   

ü  Save the date for the Commission Vote Meeting Friday 3/11


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