
Showing posts from February, 2022

Better Districts are possible throughout Miami

  Alternative District Boundaries are possible.   They could: Unify neighborhoods previously divided Protect shared backgrounds and interests Simplify leadership burdens Anticipate growth There are many ways to get to a better future.  Some examples include: A blue-ribbon commission to re-unify neighborhoods separated by prior redistricting changes and population shifts.  City Commission workshops could help resolve questions and details.  Public information sessions throughout Miami could help all residents feel part of their City. Presented below is one of many possibilities. In this map,  Black participation is maximized for District 5,  Shenandoah is reunited,  West Grove is protected, and  Coconut Grove remains intact.

Possible revisions to proposed district boundaries

City officials have indicated that a revision the the redistricting proposal is possible. As of this writing, a revised plan has not been seen by One Grove members. One Grove is eager to receive and study the revision. A revision demonstrates the truth of One Grove’s claim that ‘Other, better options are possible.’ There is no requirement for Miami to rush through a redistricting plan. Therefore, if and when One Grove receives any revision or proposal, we will: -- distribute it to citizens and civic groups,  -- analyze the proposal and its potential effects, -- discuss the proposal carefully with stakeholders city-wide and -- form a balanced recommendation for our elected officials.  We ask of others the same consideration for ourselves and those less able to speak out. We anticipate that a revision will be presented at City Hall, 12:00 Friday 2/25. Commissioner Russell has scheduled a public meeting to discuss the plan for next Monday 2/28 and we look...

Is it a good idea to have three districts in Coconut Grove?

  Some have wondered if having three commissioners represent parts of Coconut Grove might be a good thing.  That's a reasonable question at first.  We thought three commissioners might be okay, but after consideration, we conclude it is not a good idea.  It is a bad idea.  These questions helped frame our thinking: Q.   Which commissioner would be accountable for the quality of life in Coconut Grove?  A.   None would be accountable.   Diluting accountability among three commissioners would ensure that none are accountable. Example: Limiting Home Depot’s footprint to its current small size saved the Grove from being overrun by heavy commercial businesses.   Making a single commissioner accountable for its effects made the Home Depot constraints possible and preserved the Grove’s quality of life. Q.   Would Grove voters have power over the other (proposed) commissioners? A1.  No.   Grove voters would not affect Di...
Traditional redistricting guidance presents five criteria for boundaries.  The proposed boundaries favored by Commissioners Carollo, Reyes and Diaz de la Portilla violate three of those five criteria. As applied to Coconut Grove, the proposed plan violates three of the five traditional redistricting criteria. See below and following slides. Preserve communities of interest Breaks up traditional Grove neighborhoods of Center, North and West Grove Removes business district from (Center) Grove Preserve core of prior districts Divides three core districts of Coconut Grove: Center Grove, West Grove and North Grove Use of man-made or natural boundaries Ignores major road: US-1 Ignores the US-1 wall and I-95 in the North Grove Ignores traditional boundary area of West Grove   (His presentation is attached are found here:  ) Redistricting gui...

Original Documents from Consultant

 Grovites, Through a Freedom of Information Act request, the following documents were secured from the City Clerk ( is germane.).  Copy and paste the links below to download the materials presented to city commissioners by the City's consultants.    11/18/21 Consultant DeGrandy presentation   2/7/221 Consultant DeGrandy presentation   2/7/22 Consultant DeGrandy talking points   2/7/22 Consultant DeGrandy Memo re Areas of Movement.

What can you do? One Grove at US-1

What can you do to help Keep Coconut Grove Together?   Answer: Overwhelm the City Commissioners. Do these things listed below.  Recruit friends, family and neighbors to do the same.  Add your own creativity and Grove attitude to communicate to all commissioners and city officials your opinions regarding this proposed change. ü   Sign petition now   (We recommend against adding your funds to's "Promotion" function.) ü   Submit your advance comments to the City Commissioners online no later than Wednesday 2/23/22 o    Visit o    Select agenda item “SP.1 Discussion Item – Redistricting” o    Write your own comments for the Commissioners.   Here are some points for your consideration: §   I strongly oppose change to the district boundary of Coconut Grove.   §   Keep One Grove ...

One Grove at US-1 Coconut Grove's Redistricting Threat

  Miami's Commissioners  are changing the district boundaries of Coconut Grove. On 2/7/22 Commissioners Carollo, Reyes and Diaz de la Portilla directed changes to remove significant neighborhoods from the Grove's portion of district 2, shown above.   No action is required by law.  A vote of 3 of the 5 commissioners is sufficient to make a change. Most Grovites believe these changes are bad for all Grove residents.  The p roposed change: ·         divides historic unified neighborhoods and civic organizations ; ·         dilutes citizens' voice and votes; ·        is not now required by law; ·         reduces racial diversity in Coconut Grove's district; ·         all-but-severs the physical link between north and south Grove ; and ·         is being rushed by city commis...