Dividing the Grove: A three-way split.
Mayor Suarez failed to save Coconut Grove. See the Miami Herald's editorial
https://www.miamiherald.com/opinion/editorials/article260170340.html and other's insights https://www.politicalcortadito.com/2022/04/05/no-veto-miami-redistricting/
One Grove, however, continues to support neighborhoods trying to preserve their representation.
- Natoma Manors HOA and Grove Park are meeting to pursue relief.
- The NAACP and ACLU are mobilizing to reverse the transfer to Reyes.
- Separate pleadings to the county's and state's ethics boards are in process.
- Legal suits are in draft and coordination.
- More stuff too, that we don't talk about.
This now-long campaign requires sustained resources to support experts, analyses, legal proceedings and keeping neighbors informed. Your fundraising support is needed now.
GoFundMe.com/KeepCoconutGroveTogether. Not shown on that website are the significant contributions made directly to One Grove's legal fund. Taken together we're nearing our goals.
Please encourage your people and groups to support this effort.
Please encourage your people and groups to support this effort.
Errors of fact or omission can be brought to mel@melmeinhardt.com for correction.
Thank you.
The location of Wendy’s shown on the map is incorrect. Wendy’s is located to the southwest of the indicated spot. MM
ReplyDeleteThe map incorrectly labels Day Avenue. The label should be “bird road